Nina Marker - Danoise - 1m76 - 82/57/89



The Society

Elle Danemark

Mars 2018

Photographe (?)


Slimi Magazine

Automne/Hiver 2017/2018

Stéphanie Volpato

Autres modèles

by Yann Gabin

interview Name: Nina Cornelia Marker Agency: Elite London (London) Also: The Society Management (New York) / Elite Paris (Paris) / Elite Milan (Milan) / Elite Barcelona (Barcelona) / Elite Copenhagen (Copenhagen) / Elite Stockholm (Stockholm) / Elite Amsterdam (Amsterdam) Age: 19 Height: 177cm (5’9.5?) Instagram: @ninamarker Place of Origin: Copenhagen, Denmark Ethnic Origin: 100% Danish Birthsign: Sagittarius How discovered: On the metro when I just turned 16, out with friends and on my way to McDonald’s What was your first modeling job? It was a test shoot, and I brought my mom for moral support Favorite things: I love lying around listening to music while naked in my room What are you listening to at the moment? “Babe I’m Gonna Leave You” by Led Zeppelin Favorite movie, tv show: I have so many favorite movies that I’m not even gonna try to name them, but a few stand outs are: Se7en, The Boy Who Wanted To Be A Bear, anything by Wes Anderson, Black Swan, Clueless, Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Moulin Rouge. Currently I’m watching Don’t Trust The B—- In Apartment 23 after finishing Black Mirror, because I needed something to take my mind off of the incoming existential crisis. Favorite designer, fragrance or beauty product: I love the Danish brand Ganni, I buy their new collection every season. I wear Chanel Chance when I remember it, and I just stole my boyfriend’s moisturizer from Weleda so I use that. What were you doing before modeling? I was in school, but it really wasn’t my thing. What would you be doing if you weren’t modeling? I don’t know to be honest. I’m really bad at making plans and prefer to just go with the flow. I’ve always wanted to be an actress or work in movies, but I don’t want to be a part of the whole entertainment cycle. What’s something uncool that you love anyway? I try to not do uncool things Favorite modeling experience so far? Walking the Saint Laurent show in October. It was the biggest thing I had ever done, and the whole experience was just mind blowing. I still have a water bottle with a Saint Laurent sticker on it lying around somewhere. What’s the best thing about your hometown/country? Knowing where I’m going without constantly having to check Google Maps. The easy access to healthy food is nice, because when I’m traveling I usually become too lazy to look for anything substantial and just go for pizza Which brand would you really love to model for? I really want to shoot a campaign for Calvin Klein at some point in my life. Their underwear is great. Place you would love to visit: The Bahamas. Now. Right now. **** winter! Currently you’re obsessed with/about: Yoga and shooting with disposable cameras.

Milan Fashion Week’s Biggest Model Wants to Change the Way We Think About Asperger’s By Janelle Okwodu Few people had a busier Milan Fashion Week than Nina Marker, the Danish top model who has been present for the week’s biggest events. Whether she was stomping down the runway with the supermodels at Versace, joining the crowd at Angela Missoni’s 20th anniversary collection, or walking for Karl Lagerfeld at Fendi, Marker made her mark. Given her schedule, it would have been easy for Marker to focus solely on the job, but just before Max Mara, she used Instagram to deliver a hopeful message. Sporting a T-shirt that read “Bee Kind, I Have Autism,” Marker reminded her followers that those on the neurodevelopmental disorder’s spectrum are more than capable of achieving their dreams. “It’s possible for us to be successful and have a good time,” she wrote in the caption. “Stay safe and protect your mind.” Marker is passionate about using the platform afforded her by modeling to tackle meaningful issues. Diagnosed with autism at the age of 15 after experiencing issues with her education and personal life, Marker hopes that speaking out will bring about changes that can prevent others from going through similar difficulties. “It’s important to me because the lack of [awareness] has created some issues in my life that maybe wouldn’t have been there if my autism had been discovered earlier,” says Marker, who found out she had Asperger’s syndrome only after seeking out treatment for her mental health. “I went to a psychiatrist when I experienced a deep depression—which stemmed from my local education system handling my condition incorrectly.” Due to the lack of programs in place to help children with autism, Marker faced an uphill battle at school. “There was still no support from the school or the systems behind it. This was rather damaging, since I didn’t learn or pick up stuff the way the other kids did. After being scouted at a McDonald’s a year later, Marker quickly won Copenhagen’s round of Elite Model Look in 2014, and began to balance classes with a burgeoning career. She worked locally for several years before landing a big break by walking Anthony Vaccarello’s debut collection for Saint Laurent, and has since steadily risen to become one of the world’s top runway models. Though the journey hasn’t always been easy, Marker has found in the industry a place where she can blossom. She grew up collecting images of supermodels and editorials on a Tumblr she describes as “mostly centered around photography and design—but also had vampires.” Fashion was always her dream career, in spite of her initial fears about the business’s reputation for snobbery. “I had these negative assumptions about the fashion world and the people in it that fortunately have proven to be completely incorrect,” she says. “People are awesome—I didn’t expect to make friends with all these nice, interesting men and women I’ve met around the world.” Currently en route to Paris with model pals like Camille Hurel and Birgit Kos, Marker plans to continue being vocal about her autism after she’s wrapped up her big month on the runway. “I hope that through spreading awareness, other kids will receive the proper help they need from everyone around them, and at an earlier age,” she says. A culture of open communication, in fact, is the thing she loves most about her day job. “[What’s most rewarding] is getting different perspectives on life from all over the world,” she says of modeling. “I find listening to people’s thoughts and feelings about an interesting subject to be the best thing.”

le-mannequin-nina-marker-au-defile-carolina-herrera-printemps-ete-2018_0Mercredi 20 septembre, Nina Marker postait sur son compte Instagram une photo d’elle, cigarette au bord des lèvres et tee-shirt avec l'inscription suivante «Bee kind. I have autism» en dessous d'une mutine abeille (bee en anglais, NDLR). Une révélation tout en douceur qui ne sera pourtant pas passée inaperçue dans le monde de la mode. Car la Danoise de 19 ans fait partie des nouveaux visages de la Fashion Week printemps-été 2018, qui auront intrigué les spectateurs des shows Versace, Fendi, Victoria Beckham, J.W. Anderson et tant d’autres.

Une porte-parole toute trouvée Le syndrome Asperger ? Ce syndrome fait partie du spectre de l'autisme, mais ne doit pas être assimilé à une maladie. Il se manifeste généralement par des troubles de la socialisation et une sensibilité plus aigüe, mais n'induit aucune déficience intellectuelle ou retard de langage. «Prendre conscience du syndrome Asperger, il est aussi possible pour nous de réussir et de profiter de la vie ! Faites attention à vous et ménagez votre esprit.» Aucun doute, la légende de ce post place Nina Marker en porte-parole engagée des porteurs du syndrome. Interviewée par le Vogue américain à ce sujet, elle confie avoir fait face à de nombreuses difficultés durant son adolescence, alors même que son diagnostic se faisait attendre - il tombera officiellement à ses 15 ans -, et tandis qu’elle évoluait dans un «système scolaire inadapté». En parallèle, la jeune fille à la beauté singulière rêve de devenir mannequin. En 2014, elle remporte le concours Elite Model Look danois. Deux ans plus tard, en septembre 2016, son minois félin sort enfin de l'ombre : Anthony Vaccarello la caste pour son premier show Saint Laurent. Quoi de mieux pour lancer une carrière ? Alors, à en croire sa fulgurante ascension sur les podiums cette saison et la profusion d’émoticônes «cœur» dans les réactions à son post, Nina Marker s'impose comme un symbole d'espoir pour tous ceux et celles qui doivent faire face à ce syndrome.

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